Forensic scientists use the latest scientific methods to investigate, solve and prosecute crime. 博彩平台推荐在法医学研究方面处于领先地位, 拥有全国公认的教授,他们拥有丰富的现实生活经验. Learn scientific principles and tactics to assist criminal and civil investigations through the disciplines of 化学, 生物学和刑事司法, 当你在迷人的法医学领域追求令人兴奋的事业时.
The forensic science program is designed for you to learn scientific principles and methods that apply to criminal and civil investigations and litigations. 该课程着重于化学、生物和物理学科. 完成法医学学士学位, you can seek professional employment positions in forensic science and commercial and industrial laboratories. 此外, you’ll graduate from this program with the prerequisites to apply to graduate school in the sciences and health professions. Our program has been endorsed as sufficient preparation for application to medical school as well.
- Our rigorous program covers all aspects related to forensic science – 96 credit hours in biology, 化学, 数学和物理. 这个国家没有其他项目能与之相比.
- We do not force you to choose between a “Bio” Track and a “Chem” Track like most other programs do. 化学是证据,生物学是受害者——两者都需要.
- 这个项目本质上是化学和生物双学位, 结果就是, 毕业后你会有很多选择. 你可以去读研究生或者找化学方面的工作, 生物学或健康领域, 还有法医学领域.
- 研究生s from the program over the past 5 years are getting STEM jobs in less than six months after graduation.
- 过去5年的毕业生将在4年或更短的时间内毕业.
法医学教师是各自生物学领域的学术带头人, 化学, 法医学与法律. 他们也是经验丰富的专业人士, 谁把现实世界的经验带到课堂上, 为您提供实用的, 深入了解现实生活中的法医学和其他相关科学领域.
You’ll also learn about the forensic science field from working professionals who visit our classrooms. 这些专家分享他们的现实世界知识,并领导动手实验室. All of the information shared by these professionals regarding crime scenes is current – within the past 12 months – because they share their most recent cases. You’ll meet and talk with these experts, which can often lead to an internship and/or permanent hire.
- 你将获得最新的信息, 相关知识, 从基本理论到最新的思想和程序.
- You’ll gain firsthand experience in the field and interact with professionals in the field.
- 你将获得职业技能, 包括:分析化学, 仪器分析, 生化合成与分析, 遗传学, 毒理学, 分析技巧, 仪器技能, 实验, 如何做研究, 如何科学地写作并与他人合作.
破案需要亲身经历,而不仅仅是阅读. 在我们的节目中, 每个法医课题都有一个与之相关的实验室, 是否能解释最近犯罪现场的血迹, 火灾调查, 工程灾害, 发掘有真骨头的乱葬岗, 近距离见证真正的尸体解剖或者我们的学生重现他们自己的犯罪现场. All of these experiences will help to confirm whether you have chosen the right field or not.
来访的法医学专家通常会在动手实验室里授课, 包括:火灾取证, 血液飞溅, 炸药, 弹道, 法医工程, 法医昆虫学, 在真正的停尸房进行真正的尸检, 身体分解, 法医人类学等.
破案需要团队合作,必须遵守法律, 证据收集, 分析并确定这些证据对受害者的影响. 在我们的实践中, 身临其境的程序, 你很快就会意识到你不可能成为每一个领域的专家, so you’ll learn how to collaborate and cooperate with other experts – to determine what actually happened, the level/direction of guilt and how not to project the outcome before all the evidence is collected and analyzed by all of the experts involved.
- You’ll acquire knowledge through discussions, presentations and interaction with people in the field.
- 我们所有的课程都有实验室经验.
- 所有的实验室都是亲自动手的,包括炸药.
- You’ll engage in research in the field from reputed scientific journals and learning to comprehend and be able to write in scientific language.
- 你将获得重要的文化意识, 当我们分析所有种族的犯罪和犯罪现场时, cultures and creeds – from uncovering mass graves in Sarajevo to determine if war crimes have been committed, 郊区和市中心的谋杀案, 在过去的三年里枪杀了很多人.
课程 & 格式
艺术学院核心课程 & 科学- 37小时
法医学专业的学生必须至少获得2分.5 GPA at the completion of either the BIO210/BIO210Lab/BIO211/BIO211 Lab course sequence or the CHM131/CHM131Lab/CHM132/CHM132Lab course sequence, 为了继续主修.
- FSC115法医科学入门和FSC115L实验室- 4小时
- FSC215证据法和道德- 3小时
- BIO210普通生物学I和BIO210L实验室- 4小时
- BIO211普通生物学II与BIO211L实验室- 4小时
- BIO311人体解剖学和生理学(w)和BIO311L实验室- 4小时
- BIO312人体解剖学和生理学(w)和BIO312L实验室- 4小时
- BIO333遗传学和BIO333L实验室- 4小时
- BIO373微生物学和BIO373L实验室- 4小时
- 细胞和分子生物学和BIO445L实验室- 4小时
- CHM131一般化学I与CHM131L实验室- 4小时
- CHM132通用化学II与CHM132L实验室- 4小时
- CHM281分析化学和CHM281L实验室- 4小时
- 有机化学I与CHM331L实验室- 4小时
- 有机化学II与CHM332L实验室- 4小时
- CHM411生化和CHM411L实验室- 4小时
- 无机化学和CHM435L实验室- 4小时
- CHM450物理化学和CHM450L实验室- 4小时
- CHM481仪器分析和CHM481L实验室- 4小时
- 微积分II - 5小时
- PHY211普通物理I和PHY211L实验室- 4学时
- PHY212物理II和PHY212L实验室- 4小时
- 心理学入门- 3小时
- 下列选项之一:3小时
- SAS470实习
- CHM370实验研究设计
总计 = 90小时
这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.
法证科学概论(FSC115) – This course will provide a general introduction to the field of forensic science and its various functions and specialties from the crime scene to the laboratory.
证据法与道德(FSC215) – An examination of the principal rules of evidence applicable in the federal and states courts, 以及伦理方面的考虑, 处理, 分析, 评价和解释证据. Analysis of the relevant rules of evidence will be made alongside a broad overview of forensic science in the courtroom. This course will explore case law and ethical case studies as they apply to admissible evidence, 法医专家应该如何向陪审团作证, 以及法医证据在多大程度上帮助了陪审团. 这是一门写作强化课程.
普通物理I (PHY211) – The course will serve as an introduction into the basic concepts of general physics and will serve as the physical requirement for the advanced forensic science major, 适用于中学认证课程和普通科学课程. 学生将被期望在要求的实验中应用这些概念.
普通物理I实验室(PHY211L) – This course represents the laboratory section of the first half of a two-semester Physics sequence. 实验部分提供了体验概念的实习机会, 理论, 以及经典物理定律. 第一学期的实验部分将涵盖力学和热力学.
物理II (PHY212) – This course represents the second half of a two-semester physics sequence providing a quantitative problem-based coverage of classical physics. This second semester course will cover electromagnetism, light and optics, and modern physics. The course includes a laboratory component to provide hands-on experience with the topics covered.
在校园 -提供15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月
The demand for forensic science professionals is rapidly growing as the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a growth rate of 16%, 比平均水平快得多. 这种快速增长有两个原因:一, 在这个国家, violence will not decrease; and two, 在这个国家, 我们永远不会把犯罪现场外包给另一个国家.
法医学是一个具有挑战性的领域, but our students get jobs soon after graduating and are also able to pursue graduate studies and further studies in the medical field. 我们的国家永远需要STEM领域的人才.
- 盟军的健康
- 化学家
- 临床化验师
- CSI单位
- 法医实验室
- 法医科学技术员
- 法医科学家
- 律师
- 执法机构
- 法医
- 医学院
- 医学
- 私家侦探及调查员
- 毒理学实验室科学家
- 阿洛韦实验室
- 查尔斯河实验室
- 化学溶液
- 商业实验室
- 凯霍加县法医
- 法医学实验室
- 工业实验室
- 美利埃营养科学公司
- 俄亥俄州刑事调查局
- 俄亥俄州农业部毒理学实验室
- 诗人生物炼制
- 动物法医毒理学实验室
艺术学院 & 科学
蒂芬,OH 44883
- 强势、严谨、沉浸式专业
- 最新的相关领域知识
- 每个法医课题都有相关的实验
- 在这个领域有第一手的经验
- 经常与专业人士交流
“There is always going to be a little doubt in any person’s mind when it comes to new things. But for me, I think proving people, who said I couldn’t do it, wrong is my biggest motivation. 对我来说再也没有什么是不可能的了. The world is constantly changing and I feel like 我是 much more capable of adapting to those changes now compared to when I was walking on to TU’s campus for the first time.”